Working with technology applied to education is very rewarding

Joaquín Rihuete

Among our success stories, we provide the unique vision of people who have been students at ISDI CRM, but also teachers. Such is the case of today’s interviewee, Joaquín Rihuete. Joaquín has been sharing his knowledge in Salesforce DMP in our classrooms since November 2018.
From this enthusiast in data, technology and marketing, we know that he has gone through large companies such as Orange, Oxford University Press, Grupo Santillana and Ogilvy. Besides that, since January 2019 Joaquín Rihuete is Head of Consulting in Marketing and Technology at the specialized agency Neo Media World.
For Joaquín Rihuete, matching his profession and passion with the possibility to transfer this knowledge to his students is no less than a privilege. Below are Joaquín’s answers regarding e-learning, Martech (technology applied to marketing), and professional possibilities through knowledge in Salesforce.
Tell us, Joaquín, as a professional in Data & Analytics, how do you place Martech in the current context?
In my opinion, marketing and technology are inextricable bound to each other for a long time. The glue that binds them is the data that flows in an ecosystem that is evolving at an incredible pace, trying to match the rapid pace of change of the consumer, of the relationship between the client and the companies that offer products and services. Technological advances, the management of large volumes of data simultaneously and distributed, and artificial intelligence, combined with a growing demand for security, privacy and ethics in the use of technology, places us in front of major but also exciting challenges.
In this context, the tools we have and the ones being developed by big tech companies, give us the possibility to make organizations more competitive, offering better experiences to their clients. Experiences that are more efficient, closer and human.
In summary, in my opinion, Martech has a very relevant role that extends its scope far beyond the advertising field and that focuses on providing companies with the necessary capabilities to achieve their business objectives and add value to society by contributing to the progress of it.
You have been a part in innovation projects related to the definition of e-learning products. Tell us, which were the challenges you have faced?
Working in a field such as technology applied to education is very rewarding. The importance and necessity of education makes us all the same, we position ourselves before our potential weaknesses if we do not make an effort and before our strengths if we manage to achieve the competencies that ultimately give us options to carve out our own future. This is why the challenge is capital. In my case in particular, the biggest challenge was to understand how these products, tools and content that we generated were being used, if they were used at all and if they were useful for learning, with the complex challenge of the assessment of skills and knowledge.
From this experience, what do you think are your main achievements?
My top achievement was to develop a business intelligence platform that allowed us to have a central vision of the e-learning products usage, which allowed us to extend the use of digital solutions from 2 to more than 12 countries in Latin America. It provides comprehensive education solutions for schools, ranging from devices to online learning platforms, content, and assessment tools.
You are a DMP teacher/trainer at ISDI CRM, what do you like the most about teaching this training? Why do you think someone should value doing this training?
In general, the thing I like the most about being a trainer is to see how students enjoy learning, facing new challenges and absorbing new concepts. That interaction is very rewarding and it is also rewarding the fact that there is a two-way communication and that this climate of innate curiosity and that motivation to learn that unites us so much is generated, even though we are many miles apart.
In particular, everything related to DMP obeys more to a company strategy than to the use of a specific tool, to a philosophy of using technology that changes the processes of an organization and that significantly unites departments that traditionally tend to work quite isolated, placing the consumer and the audience in a central position, thinking about efficiency and coherence in the points of contact between brands and consumers. I think that anyone who considers it relevant to take control over the strategic definition of audiences, over the management and control of the points of contact with the client and over the activation of data to extract value from them, would find this training very interesting.
What has allowed you to get into the Salesforce ecosystem? Why would you recommend someone to get acquainted with this platform?
The Salesforce ecosystem is a world of possibilities from a professional point of view. It opens up development paths for you in different areas and levels of depth. The Salesforce community is impressive in terms of volume of people and tools, and it paves the way for you in almost any sector of business activity.
To understand and master a tool like Salesforce Audience Studio allows you to interact with very different areas, from each and every digital marketing discipline, through data collection on an organization’s digital assets, to the activation of those assets in an efficient and relevant way for the customer. The Salesforce ecosystem, including Audience Studio, is in constant evolution. There is a great effort of development from the side of the manufacturer and it adapts to the changes of the ecosystem to always offer the best possible integration with other tools from that ecosystem, always taking into account the current and future regulatory aspects.
How do you use Salesforce in your work? How is Salesforce part of your day at work?
Salesforce Audience Studio is one of the main tools in my daily work. The use of the tool has two different areas. On one hand, the implementation of the tool in the client. This client acquires the licenses directly from Salesforce and we, as a Salesforce partner, carry out all the necessary tasks for their implementation. From the tasks required for data collection to connecting with activation platforms, through configuration tasks of Audience Studio. On the other hand, we operate the tool on a day-to-day basis, to create, manage and analyze the audiences that we activate in different channels, both paid and customer-owned media.

What doors do you think the knowledge about Salesforce helped you open?
Salesforce has helped me to enter the world of audiences and data. This turn towards and audience-centric strategy, instead of a channel-centric one, is something that most of the advertisers are doing, so the job opportunities for growth are obvious. On the other hand, the cross-channel nature of the tool leads you to become familiar with different disciplines of digital marketing and also with different tools of the Salesforce ecosystem. Therefore, Audience Studio has helped me open multiple and diverse new lines and opportunities in my work.
If you are interested in the training that Joaquín Rihuete leads, or in any other, you just have to go to our information area about the . Here you can see more information about the Salesforce courses we teach at ISDI CRM.
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